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  • Permalink for 'Marketing & Communications Support Officer (M/F) (H/F)'

    Marketing & Communications Support Officer (M/F) (H/F)

    Posted: 3 January 2022, 6:14am CET

    GE-Metz, Fundsquare is the main data hub for Luxembourg domiciled funds. A subsidiary of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, Fundsquare provides information and regulatory services that streamline, standardize, and facilitate cross-border investment fund distribution. Our services provide fund promoters, investors, fund buyers and other related service providers with accurate, secure, real-time access to crucia

    Emplois marketing >> Marketing & Communications Support Officer (M/F) (H/F)
    GE-Metz, Fundsquare is the main data hub for Luxembourg domiciled funds. A subsidiary of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, Fundsquare provides information and regulatory services that streamline, standardize, and facilitate cross-border investment fund distribution. Our services provide fund promoters, investors, fund buyers and other related service providers with accurate, secure, real-time access to crucia